
Setting your Solar Plexus on Fire

by in Energy, Energy Nutrition, Essential Oils, Healing, Health, Mental Health and Well-being, Other, Tips and Tricks August 10, 2021

We hope you’ve been keeping up with our features on Chakras, but for those of you that are new here, we’ll catch you up. The idea of chakras come from the ancient Vedic tradition and describes the different energy centers, or literally ‘wheels of energy’ throughout the body. Hindus and Buddhists even believed that the chakras signify the areas of the body where the spiritual and the physical come together. Although each charka is responsible for specific functions, energies and weaknesses, they work synergistically to promote a healthy energy flow from every organ, limb and cell. Today we’ll explore the solar plexus chakra, also known as the Manipura chakra, as we proceed with our energy center journey up the spine. Manipura in vedic tradition is literally translated as “city of jewels”. This chakra, the solar plexus, is the third chakra, found in the upper belly area above the navel and below the breast bone. It’s said to reside around the area of the diaphragm. Besides being associated with the element of fire, powerful transformation, self-confidence and wellbeing, it is closely linked with some important organs and systems in the body. Read on to find ways to work with the energy flow here to restore balance in the body, mind and beyond.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is said to govern the pancreas, digestive system’s organs, and the adrenal glands. So, you can imagine how much an out of balance solar plexus can affect anyone’s ability to be their best. A blocked solar plexus is said to cause physical manifestations such as fatigue, poor digestion and absorption of minerals. Mentally and emotionally, an unbalanced solar plexus chakra is associated with feelings of low self-esteem, judgmental views, and a need to control other people and outcomes.


Since this particular chakra resides in our belly, it is said to hold the ‘agni’, literally fire, or digestive energy needed to process, absorb and eliminate our foods optimally. The control and responsibility over our digestion by manipura means that special attention is needed to promote a healthier diet that also balances our hormonal system when keeping this chakra flowing energetically. When thinking about supporting our fire center, think about how to bring more fire in. There are your obvious choices like chilies or peppers that easily support the greater energy needed to balance this chakra. But spicy food isn’t tolerated (or liked) by everyone, so to literally keep the digestive fires burning, milder warming foods like ginger, cayenne, turmeric and cinnamon are fundamental. Try incorporating grated ginger in a warming soup with carrot and sweet potato, or in an Asian inspired stir-fry. Spice up your favorite savory dishes with a (tiny) pinch of powerful cayenne and start to feel the opening up in your sinuses and beyond. Turmeric and cinnamon make for fantastic ingredients in a turmeric latte or any warming beverage you can enjoy in the evening when winding down for the day. Grab your favorite plant-based milk (dairy is mucus forming and does not make for a happy digestive system), warm it up on the stove and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, one quarter teaspoon of turmeric and if you crave warming sweet beverages, you can go ahead and add a teaspoon of maple syrup. Since the solar-plexus chakra resonates with the color yellow, you guessed it, we’re also going for foods rich in this sunny hue like lemons, banana, and pineapple. Yum!


Since science has proven the all-important gut-brain connection, even calling the gut the second brain, the link between the solar-plexus chakra and our diet has a profound effect on our physical and emotional wellbeing. Ninety percent of the body’s serotonin is produced the gut, along with seventy percent of your body’s immune system. If you’re experiencing symptoms like a lack energy, vitamin deficiencies and constipation, you probably need to consider adding more digestive fire to your diet.


As mentioned, the solar plexus is supported by the color yellow, so stones with healing properties specific to this energy center include Yellow Calcite, Golden Mookaite, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, and Golden Quartz. Gorgeous names, right? A personal favorite and super popular stone for healing the solar plexus chakra is the beautiful Pyrite.  Its golden color is known to infuse the energy of the sun into our being. Another powerful tool we can use to awaken our sense of personal power is aromatherapy. Stimulate and support the energy of the solar plexus by burning fiery essential oils such as saffron, musk, sandalwood, ginger and cinnamon.


Yoga poses or asanas, that promote energy flow in this chakra include back bends and heart openers that give the belly a good stretch. Bow pose, cobra and camel are great choices that will instantly leave you feeling great and energized. Conversely twists are fantastic such as revolved triangle and twisting high lunge, where the solar plexus is momentarily compressed to expel toxins, and then released to allow a flood of new blood and nutrients that fire up digestive function.


Meditation is a powerful tool for enhancing every aspect of your life, physically and emotionally. To support the solar plexus, meditate on the fire inside you by visualizing a large, burning flame growing in strength. Repeat “I am strong. I am confident. I am powerful.”  We need this inner fire for almost very function of our daily lives from digestion, energy, inspiration and resilience. If you’re not a fan of meditation just yet, try incorporating pranayama breathing techniques such as Kapalabhati or breath of fire. Sit cross legged or on a chair with eyes closed and hands in fists. Then slowly raise your hands above your head, open the fists before closing them and pulling your arms back down by your side. As you pull down you forcefully exhale from the nose, squeezing your arms and elbows against your side to help expel the air. Repeat the cycle for three rounds of thirty breaths and experience the immediate energetic shift.


Cultivating and supporting the solar plexus chakra is an ongoing yet rewarding process. Think of it as the engine of the body where fuel turns into energy, creativity and life. Together with the first, the root chakra, and second, the sacral chakra, these energy centers together form to be what is known as the lower triangle. The energies that are said to be the easiest to harness and understand. Focus and enjoy working on improving the balance and flow in these centers, before we move on together to the higher energy centers.

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