Why I decided to work with a holistic approach when I have a Traditional Psychology degree.
I wasn’t always 100% sure what I wanted to do with the rest of my life whilst I was growing up. Adult family members thought it slightly odd when I told them, at the age of 12, that I wanted to work as a Psychologist in prisons and, eventually become a Psychological profiler at the FBI. It was a rather strange choice when most of my friends and cousins wanted to be marine biologists, veterinarians and ballerinas, never mind the fact that a South-African getting into the FBI was a major long shot. For a while, I wondered whether I wanted to do this because I was fascinated with the darkness of it or whether there was perhaps a different motivation. As I grew older, I was able to realise why I was so fascinated by this – I have an inborn trait to want to help EVERYONE. Could I help a prisoner to rehabilitate themself? Could I learn more about a prisoner to assist their victim, or the family of their victim? Could I learn from perpetrators in order to prevent others from going down the same paths? I wanted to understand the minds of those who have been caught doing terrible things to others, in order to prevent them, and others, from committing these atrocities again, and from hurting others. Why on earth would a 12-year-old want to save victims of crime? Well, I have a few theories, but that’s not what this article is about….
I now realise as an adult, that I was feeling the hurt and the pain of those victims and the families involved. I could feel their anguish and sadness, and that is why I wanted to reach out and help. I am an empath, and when I was younger, I didn’t quite know how to control it and how to protect myself. As a child, I felt deeply – more so than most of my friends and peers, and boy was I tested. That’s OK though because it taught me a lot. I could do pretty much anything in the face of adversity by the time I was 16, which I now realise it the greatest gift ever! (Thanks Universe!) That is why I was so desperate to help…I wanted to save the world and protect others from those terrible feelings and from the sadness. Of course, this wasn’t a realistic dream… Life happens, and I couldn’t go to university straight after completing my schooling. I decided to travel abroad instead, which again was one of the best things I could ever have done. At the age of 23, I decided it was time to pursue what I really wanted to do – and that was to help people. So began my journey as a part-time Psychology student. It was hard, but I loved every moment. My belief system was slightly unconventional and I realised that even though the Psychology qualification was everything I had hoped for and more, there were a few things that I didn’t necessarily agree with. I started reading Louise L. Hay books at the age of 16, and I believed that illness manifested physically due to suppressed emotions and energy blockages – this included mental illness.
If that was the case, then why were we prescribing SSRI and other medications to clients when we were able to treat these conditions by resolving the emotional and energetic causes? We know the answers to this question – and there are quite a few, but I just couldn’t buy into it. It didn’t sit well with me and it delayed my practising for quite some time. I felt that if a client came to see me, the objective should be to resolve the root cause of their problem, and not just the symptom – right? In my mind, things like anger outbursts, depression and anxiety, amongst others, we all symptoms, but traditional practise didn’t allow for the further investigation into this. A patient suffered with depression, so we prescribed SSRI’s and so on. I wasn’t to open about my alternative belief system at that point in time, so I wasn’t comfortable with combining the 2 publicly, and I wasn’t OK to join a traditional practise either. So, I carried on with my normal life, counselling and helping people part time, but not making it my full-time career. My full-time career was in the corporate sector…in sales…and it was not what I was meant to be doing. I couldn’t help but feel that there was something missing, and eventually I, myself became depressed.
It was only once we moved to the UAE and my husband told me to follow my dreams, that I could bring this all to fruition. I must add that I met someone who helped me to completely transform my outlook on life and how much I cared about what others thought and said. She helped me to heal myself to the point where I was ready to get going, and where I knew nothing could stop me. I was so very excited to be able to merge traditional psychology with holistic and energy therapy! The combination is powerful in the sense that we are able to figure out exactly what is going on with the patient by understanding the symptoms and which mental processes might be causing them, and then healing the root causes through holistic therapy. Many would say that I could have done this without the Psychology degree, and that might well be the case, but for me, it has made a massive difference. The fact that I understand the brain, human behaviour and processes in more detail, has made a great difference in how I am able to diagnose and treat root causes – I am able to get to the root faster than I would have if I did not have this qualification. I completely believe that I am exactly where I should be, and that I took the exact path that I was meant to.
There was a culmination of factors that led me to make the decision I have made in my life, all leading me to be where I am right now. Whether I chose to take the holistic route, or whether it chose me, I know that I am on the right track, because I believe that we should be treating root causes and not symptoms. Depressive symptoms and anxiety might disappear with medication, but once you stop taking the meds, the symptoms will return. Do you want to take the medication for the rest of your life? Addiction is another symptom with an emotional and energetic cause. How many times have you heard of, or witnessed an addict relapsing after being faced with a trigger? They might have been in rehab on numerous occasions, each time coming out saying that they are better and that they would never go back to their drug of choice…but, a few months or years down the line, they might lose a loved one, or something happens to trigger the underlying issue, and they are right back to the drawing board. The true underlying emotional issue related to these symptoms and behaviours can be very deep. I have worked with many people who have completely suppressed their memories, never mind the emotion. They are aware of the fact that something happened, but they can’t exactly pinpoint what and when it was. The trick is to try and figure out what these are and to work on resolving them.
Over and above this, memories of these traumas and suppressed emotions get stuck in our energetic bodies. We don’t always realise that these need to be worked on, and healed too. These blockages in our meridians and energy centres are there, even if we have resolved the underlying cause emotionally, until we do something specific to unblock or release them. This is where energy healing comes in – allowing your energy centres and meridians to flow freely and openly translates into total and complete healing and transformation. Your symptoms will disappear and your body will heal on all levels – Physically, Emotionally and Energetically. We are, after all, Mind, Body and Soul. So, how does it work? First of all, we would work together to find the root cause of the problem. There are various ways of doing this, and I normally start by asking you about your symptoms, what and wen you experience them, and then we start tracing them back. I also use Kinesiology and normal talk therapy as diagnostic tools in order to figure out what the true cause is.
Once we have figured out what the cause is, I start working on a treatment plan. This is where I would explain to you what I think you would require in terms of the amount of sessions, and the types of treatment that could work for you – whether it be EFT, Reiki, Crystal therapy etc. Added to this part of the treatment, we will also have a look to see what your lifestyle is like – are there any allergies or intolerances that could be sustaining blockages? I might add a few natural supplements to your routine, which will aid, entrench and echo all the other work we are doing. I am not going to tell you that it is an easy, short process, there is a lot of work involved, from both of our sides, but what I can tell you, is that it works, and it works well. One of the aspects I like most about the holistic forms of treatment, is the fact that you don’t spend too much time in a traumatic state. We go back to the cause of the trauma, but we don’t spend too much time there – we harness the emotion and experience that you felt at that point, and we immediately start working on releasing it. Most of the time, we find that similar experiences and emotions to that point, are what triggers the patient in their current circumstances. Once the release begins and the energy starts to flow, these triggers start to disappear, together with the other symptoms.
Simply put, my reason for choosing the holistic route over the traditional route, is purely based on the fact that I don’t believe in treating symptoms, I believe is finding and curing the cause. At this moment, I am so excited to share the process with every one of my patients, new and existing. I am continuing to do more courses and diplomas in order to ensure that I am able to offer you the best possible service and healing, which is exactly what you deserve.