Mind, Body & Energy Combined

  • Metanoia Mind
  • Metanoia Body
  • Metanoia Energy
Metanoia Mind

The mind is the seat of our emotions and Feelings.

The mind is where our perceptions and beliefs live - it shapes how we think about everything and everyone in our lives and the Universe.  It is where our memories are formed and stored, the same memories that play such a large part in our perceptions.  It is our processor, where ideas and opinions are formed...which are hugely influenced by our perceptions about life.  It is not a coincidence that people say someone is out of their mind when they make odd or different decisions. (or because they have different perceptions 😉 )

The mind is complex, as are the emotions. We don't always realize why we respond in certain ways to certain triggers whilst we might remain completely calm in other scenarios where we would be expected to react.  These are all linked to our perceptions about the world, memories and frames of reference.  If you grew up in a house where there was physical violence, this might be something you are desensitized to.  You might not understand why violence is something that you don't react to, however when people have a verbal argument it triggers deep emotions of sadness.  These different responses are all seated in perception and emotion.  By working with the mind and emotions, we are able to find the root cause of most problems, illnesses or symptoms that might be holding you back in life, and resolve this, which will have the most amazing spin off effects.

Emotional blockages manifest and cause energetic blockages which cause physical symptoms.  We find these through various diagnostic techniques such Talk therapy, CBT and Kinesiology.

Metanoia Body

The Mind and the Body are not separate.  What affects one will affect the other.

The health and state of our body is a reflection of what is going on in our emotional and energetic bodies.  Think about that nervous tummy of yours that acts up every time you are stressed or anxious.  Our physical symptoms can almost always be traced back to a blocked or suppressed emotion, or a blockage within our energy field.

What we don't realize is how connected all the systems in our body are.  When you are stressed, and the fight or flight survival system is activated, it is impossible for the digestive - and/or reproductive system to function optimally.  Did you know that blood sugar fluctuations can affect your energy flow, and your moods?  Raise your hand if you get HANGRY!?

We have done much work and research in this field and it has been proven to me time and again how unresolved emotional issues cause disease.  Something like Cancer could have manifested because of deep past hurt and trauma.  It is exceptionally important for us to resolve emotional issues in order to stay happy and healthy, and to stop symptoms of disease from re-occurring.

Of course, there are other factors that add to certain health problems, such as diet etc, however, this is not the whole picture.  There are a combination of factors that influence this and we will look at most, if not all of them.

Western medicine has a chemical and one size fits all approach to illness, where we, with a holistic approach feel that there are different causes for the same illness, and that we have the power to heal ourselves fully by finding the root cause of a problem and resolving that instead of the symptom.  Western medicine surely has its place in society, we just add to it and assist in different ways.

Your physical symptoms and illnesses will be healed through unblocking the energy flow throughout your body, by resolving suppressed emotional issues, by looking at lifestyle choices and by adding vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements to your routine.  Resolving these symptoms can be absolutely life changing, and even save your life in the long run.

Metanoia Energy

Energetic release can change and transform your entire life!

The entire Universe, including every living being, is made up of energy.  Everything is made up of atoms, and what are atoms?  They are Energy....  So, YOU ARE ENERGY.  It is a well known fact that our hearts generate an electro magnetic energy field which can be picked up outside of the body.  This same field has been shown to influence not only the electro magnetic field around our brains, but also the  energetic fields of other people's brains.  If that doesn't prove to you that we are made up of energy, then I don't know what will.

A while back I read "The Biology of Belief" by Dr. Bruce Lipton, and it just confirmed everything.  He gives more scientific and specific proof that we are not only made up of energy, but also that we are able to influence this energy around and within us.  If this is the case, then how is it not possible for us to heal ourselves?  It absolutely is...

When working through and studying more about energy healing and psychology, I realized that this type of healing and work has been around for many many years.  In Chinese cultures, they have been working with energy or "Chi" for centuries.  We often frown upon therapies such as Reiki and Crystal Healing, but it's not all that different from Acupressure, Acupuncture or Reflexology, which are therapies that are more easily accepted by Western Medicine.  These therapies are all based on the Energy systems of the body, whether it is the Meridian system, the Chakras or the Aura.

One thing that I am certain of is the fact that blockages and breakdowns in these energy systems can cause illness and great discomfort.  These blockages can be caused by an array of things, such as diet, trauma, suppressed emotions, trauma and more.  This is why I prefer to use the WHOLE-Listic approach.  In this way we can be certain that all symptoms are relieved and that they disappear for good.

I am trained in Traditional Psychology, Kinesiology, EFT and Meridian Psychotherapy, and I am currently in the process of gaining my Reiki, Crystal Healing, Naturopathy and Aura healing diplomas.
