
The Problem With A One-Size-Fits-All Approach In Medicine And Health

by in Healing, Health July 19, 2023

Every human being is unique and individual ‒ your fingerprints are your own, and so are your experiences. While we may all exist within a shared experience, no two people will ever have the identical perception and responses to an event. 

In this way, we know that every person will have a slightly different reaction to experiences in their life, and we understand and accept this as a greater society, though for some reason, we ignore this knowledge when it comes to our health. 

Metanoia SA champions the individual holistic approach and shuns the idea that Western medicine has adopted a one-size-fits-all or one-pill-fixes-all outlook on health. Let’s explore why.

The Human Element

Most modern accepted medical practices have been based on trials and documented findings in some form. This approach in itself speaks to the “average patient” practice, where all or most people react the exact same way to both an illness and the associated treatment. Unfortunately, this is simply is not true. 

As with the shared experience analogy, where a number of people can experience the exact same event and still have individual experience of it, people can experience the same illnesses or physical ailments and yet have polarising reactions to both the problem and the accepted treatment. 

To this end, holistic healing and an individualistic approach to treatment (with a specific focus on the root cause of the problem) offer a better result as well as a more nuanced understanding of the patient’s journey and health. 

This is where Naturopathy holds the greatest advantage over Western medicine: the detailed and comprehensive approach to the whole being ‒ fully understanding every aspect of the individual human as opposed to a blanket approach that “should” work in most cases.

A Change For the Better

The good news is that even Western medicine is making changes in the way that patient care and treatment are handled. Science has proven that a more individualised approach is necessary in order to fully treat and understand the medical and health conditions at hand. 

The Human Genome Project, for example, offered a massive insight for doctors and researchers alike and has delivered a way forward that promises a far more sensitive and accurate approach. Termed “Precision Medicine”, the clinical and detached nature of Western medicine is finally merging with the known and traditional practices of natural healing to better incorporate the individual in their healing plan.

Metanoia: The Place for Personalised Healing

If you would like to book a healing session that is based on your individual circumstance and needs, get in touch today.

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