
Does Energy Healing work?

by in Energy, Mental Health and Well-being September 29, 2020

Well, I should hope so, since I have built my life around it.  LOL.  There are many theories around whether this is all real or not, and I am not here to challenge anyone’s belief system at all.  This is not what it is about, not for me at least.  For me, personally, it is about the healing process and the benefits energy work can bring to your life.  It’s about people who are really ill, getting better and lives being saved and changed for the better.  I think I’ve mentioned that I am an empath, which means I feel what others feel.  When I work with someone, I can feel what they are feeling, and this makes my urge to help them even greater.  I know this concept sounds foreign to many, and I don’t blame, but what I can tell you, is that it is very, very real.  I worked with a client a few years ago, and before we started, I did my protection ritual to make sure that I am shielded.  I was fine after the session however; I woke up with a migraine the next morning.  I hadn’t had a migraine in years, so it took me by surprise.  I couldn’t understand – the client didn’t mention that she suffered with migraines, and I didn’t do or eat anything different than I would normally do.  I had to reschedule all my appointments for that day, because I could not get out of bed.


Those who know me, know that I don’t easily reschedule appointments willingly – there has to be an emergency or a serious conflict.  This was very real, but at that point I had no idea where it came from.  In the next session with that same client the following week, she mentioned that she had forgotten to tell me that she suffers with migraines.  It couldn’t have been “all in my mind” because she never told me that she suffered with migraines until after I experienced it for myself.  It resolved the doubt in my mind….LOL.  I digress, but this is why I started looking into ways to help people – I was looking for something that really worked, and something that made them feel better completely, not just something that numbs the pain.  The concept of alternative and natural medicine was never foreign to me.  Even my grandmother used to believe in natural remedies, and they worked well when she used them.  I also mentioned that I studied and gained a conventional Psychology degree.  I loved it, but I knew it wasn’t what I was looking for.  It wasn’t what I was meant to be doing.  So, I kept going.  The moment I started researching and looking into alternative healing and medicines again, I felt home.  I knew that this was exactly where I belonged.  So, what does this have to do with whether energy healing works or not?  Well, it has everything to do with it.  I spent most of my life looking for something that worked and that could bring people relief.  Even though I am a believer, I still want facts – I have a slight analytical side to me.  So, I started looking at the facts.


If you have any doubt at all about the fact that we are energy, and that the Universe is made up of energy, then I would like to suggest that you read the Biology of belief by Bruce Lipton.  No one has been able to explain the concept as well as that in my mind.  Even though I was already a believer, he gave me all the facts I needed.  He explained the science behind how our thoughts control our lives.  Our bodies, and everything in the Universe, are made up of atoms, right?  What are atoms?  They are energy – they move and vibrate constantly – I remember learning about this in science class when I was 13 or 14.  I also remember the teacher telling us that atoms behaved differently when they were being observed.  At that point, I thought she was nuts.  How was that even possible?  Only something that is alive and aware was able to change its behaviour when being observed.  My dog stopped chewing on my textbooks when I walked into the room – because she was alive and knew she shouldn’t be doing that.  This had to be a fact though, because it was science, so how was this possible?  It all clicked into place as I grew a little older and realised that living beings were also made up of atoms.


Around about the same time, maybe a year or 2 later, I started feeling unwell and we weren’t too sure what was going on with me.  My mom took me to a Homeopath.  He had studied Iridology and looked into my eyes, asked about the symptoms.  He looked at my mom, smiled and said – she is hyperglycaemic.  He prescribed chromium picolinate, and sent me on my way.  It was gone, for a good long time.  It returned about 8 years later, and that’s when I started looking into the possible metaphysical cause.  Louise L. Hay says that it is linked to deep sorrow, no sweetness left in life, a need to control, and longing for what might have been.  It made complete sense for me – in both instances.  (I won’t bore you with my life story, aint nobody got time.)  I started digging to find the root cause of the issues, and I worked on those.  I am very happy to report that my sugar levels are exactly where they should be (Unless I have chocolate cake for breakfast, but that would knock anyone’s sugar off balance.)  This is where I really started to get interested in Energy work – I researched homeopathy and found out that it was a form of energy healing.  Everything we put in our body affected our energy, but natural remedies influenced us in such positive ways and counteracted some of the negative things we put our bodies through. 


A family member of mine is a reflexologist.  As a kid, when I got a really bad chest infection and the doctors couldn’t get me better, she got me back on my feet within a day.  Again, I realised this was energy work and I got so excited when I researched it.  It led me to so many exciting discoveries.  Chinese medicine, Meridians, Acupressure and more.  I then remembered the crystals my Mom had in the window sill and started looking into that.   Again, it blew my mind and I remembered how I was obsessed with crystals as a little girl, like 5 or 6.  My mom used to go nuts when she opened my wardrobe and found rocks from the garden in there.  Apparently, I even named these rocks – but I don’t remember that.  Now, knowing what I know, it makes more sense to me.


Getting back to the actual question – Does energy healing work?  The answer depends on you – it depends on what you believe.  It’s like anything in life, if you don’t believe it will work, it won’t, no matter what it is.  If you take medicine prescribed by a GP, and you don’t think it will work, I can guarantee you that it won’t.  I have seen the results, when others worked with me, and when I have worked with others.  As long as you are open to the idea and willing to put in the work, energy healing will work for you.  Just like with any type of therapy, you need to want to heal.  You have to be committed to do the work and to let go of whatever it is that has caused you damage.  Always remember that even though your hurt might not be your own fault, it is your responsibility to heal from whatever caused them and to grow as a person.



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