
Quantum Healing, and Physics, in real life.

by in Energy, Healing, Health, Tips and Tricks May 20, 2022

We live in a world where we have a constant flow of knowledge and where we always want to understand everything.  We always want to know and we always want all the info…  It’s really hard for us to accept the fact that sometimes things that we don’t, and cannot understand, happen.  We try so hard to make sense of it, but we just can’t seem to figure it out.  That’s life for you – we don’t always get all the answers and explanations, and it’s frustrating as hell!  We have grown accustomed to the fact that the answers to all our questions are at the end of our fingertips all the time.  When we want to know something, we google it, or make a call, or whatever the case may be.  We get to know the answer almost instantly, and we love that, BUT, and this is a big BUT, everything in life can’t work that way.  Especially when it comes to certain areas in our life, such as spirituality and the sorts.

Think about metaphysics and the quantum realm.  Scientists have been studying these theories for years, and they still don’t know all that much about it.  (More than I do of course, but still.)  Personally, I think there is a lot our brains can’t even comprehend – we just aren’t supposed to understand it at this point in time.  The crux of the previous sentence being “at this point in time”.  There are just certain things that we are not meant to have the answers to right now…  Patience (not my favourite word or a strength) is the key.  Sometimes in life, we need to accept that we won’t get the answer to a certain question right away.  We might not know why something is happening the way it is, and we need to be OK with that.  Surrender. (Another word and action that I struggle with). Not all of this pertains to Quantum physics, of course.  In our every day lives we might question why children get sick, why there are wars, why animals have to suffer, why there are struggles for power etc.  (This is generally just in 1 day for me. 😉) What I have come to realise is that we are not made to have all the answers to these questions, because there is a much bigger picture that we can’t, don’t and sometimes won’t see, understand and/or accept.  The reasons are generally related to a lesson that we need to learn, and having the answer means we won’t get the lesson, which is why we are here in the first place, after all.

Ok, before I get too philosophical, let’s get back on track.  In 2021 Metanoia Transformation acquired a Quantec Pro device.  When I came across it the first time, it broke my brain a little. (OK, a lot).  I have a basic understanding of Quantum physics, but obviously as for all of us, there are still certain parts that boggle the mind.  There are certain occurrences in science that just cannot be explained in human terms yet, and for many of us, if we cannot see or hold it, how do we quantify it?  In science, proving that something exists means being able to weigh and measure it – this cannot be done with atoms when isolated.  Energy, or atoms, change their behavior when they are observed, so you cannot measure it, which means, scientifically speaking, we cannot prove that they exist – however, we KNOW that everything on this planet is made up of atoms, right?  That means, theoretically scientists cannot prove that humans exist, because we are made up of atoms, and atoms cannot be weighed and measured…and so the loop continues…because that also means that the keyboard I am typing on doesn’t exist in scientific definitions, nor does the desk I am sitting at or the chair I am sitting on…  These are questions we desperately want to answer, but we can’t, and for the moment, we need to be OK with that.  There is NO REASON to go into an existential crisis over this information, because we will know the answers and understand when the time is right.  We are here, right?  I am a human being, and the chair that I am sitting on is there, it won’t suddenly disappear and cause me to fall flat on my ass. (Well, I hope not…)

This is where trust and faith come in.  We trust and believe in the fact that the atoms that make up our chair will keep behaving in the manner that they do, allowing us to sit safely and comfortably.  Of course, if the weight distribution shifts, or something happens to cause a disruption in the behaviour of the atoms, the chair might break, but this is something we kind of anticipate at some point.  What I am trying to say is that the bahaviour of the atoms won’t change without some sort of external influence, allowing us to sit comfortably and confidently on our chairs.  So, what’s my point around the Quantec Pro then?  This device works in the Quantum field – and that’s part of the phenomena that we can’t necessarily explain in a manner of touching, feeling, smelling and so on.  The definition of Quantum field theory, according to Google (Yes, I know…) is as follows: “A theory in Physics:  the interaction of two separate physical systems (such as particles) is attributed to a field that extends from one to the other and is manifested in a particle exchange between the two systems.”  The other principal that the Quantec Pro uses is Quantum entanglement which is defined as follows: “the phenomenon whereby a pair of particles are generated in such a way that the individual quantum states are indefinite until measured, and the act of measuring one determines the result of measuring the other, even when at a distance from each other”.  That’s clever talk for:  In quantum entanglement, the particles (such as photons) are connected by a wave, and no matter the distance between them, they are connected in such a way, that what you do to the one, will affect the other.  In practical terms, that’s like tickling a twin that lives in the USA, and the other one, who lives in the UK, starts laughing and feels it.  😉  It’s a pretty freaky thought, and even Einstein, who played a big part in this field, dubbed it to be a spooky phenomenon.  Scientists still aren’t able to prove exactly how this happens and works, but they know that it does, and like, with many theories in Physics, not being able to prove how something works, doesn’t mean that it is not real.  This is a very real phenomenon.

The Quantec Pro works within the Quantec field, based on Quantum entanglement.  How this works, still can’t be explained, but it does.  I am not saying this because I am a practitioner – I am saying this, because I am living proof of it, and there are many people out there who will agree with me – and I am sure there are some who won’t.  To me, this is science, plain and simple.  Ok, maybe not simple, but you catch my drift.  When working with the Quantec, I take a picture of the client, and upload it into the software together with their date of birth and current city.  The software then scans the energy signature on the photograph, and through Quantum entanglement, it will be able to pick up on “issues” that the client may be facing.  In short, it will then come back to me with remedies that will aid the client with these “issues” and it will radiate the frequency of these remedies into the Quantum field, to the particles which are entangled with the particles of the actual client.  In other words, let’s say the client is suffering with a cold and their immune system needs a boost – the Quantec may pick this up at a physical level, and in order to boost their Immune system, it suggests Echinacea.  It will radiate the frequency of Echinacea into the Quantum field, to the entangled particles – and as the theory suggests, that should then affect the physical patient in our dimension. So, physically, it should improve the immune system of the client and they will recover from their cold quicker than normal.  Sounds pretty unreal, doesn’t it.  I have to admit, that when I first came across this information and device a good couple of years ago, I was very skeptical.  I think most of us would be, but I did my research and it intrigued me.

There are quite a few Bio-resonance devices on the market, but this one really got my attention for various reasons – which are way too boring and long winded to add to this post.  Regardless, I started digging, and got in touch with them.  When I say I am living proof that this works, I am not kidding…  The first physical encounter that I had with the device was when I was looking at buying it.  Someone (a super lady!) came to do a demo for me.  She did not know me from a bar of soap at that point – in fact we had exchanged a few emails, and that was it.  She had never seen or spoken to me before.  She arrived at the apartment fairly early one morning and we had a quick chat – she then took a photo of me, added basic info as mentioned above, and let the device to do what it does.  What the device picked up was unreal – it was SO accurate that it spooked me a little.  I took 5 days just to re-read the report and to double check every little detail (I am a pain like that).  Disclosing everything that was picked up would be a little too personal to share for me on this type of platform, and I don’t think we know each other well enough just yet.  What I can say, is that there is no way that this info is out there for anyone to find on the internet, or anywhere else for that matter.  This is information that only I know of, and maybe 1 or 2 other people, but that’s it.  Because this was a demo, and not a session, we didn’t go into it, however, she explained to me, that what was picked up was still within my energetic field (which is what I am made up of right) and that it was still affecting me.  I would still need to do the work to let go of it physically, but the Quantec would be radiating frequency into the Quantum field in order to support the work I was doing.  It was entrenching everything that I would do here, in the Quantum field, and all the work being done in the Quantum field, would be echoed in my physical reality.  It was a WTF moment for me…, but a life changing one.  I realized that this would greatly aid my clients and the work we were doing to heal them on all levels, body, mind and spirit.

Obviously, I decided that I need to get this technology!  I want to make a difference, and this would help so much.  We all can use a little more support, right?  Once I got the device, I started playing…a lot.  I scanned existing and new clients and we sat and went through these reports together.  My mind was blown every single time by how accurate it was.  I am human, and of course, because I can’t definitively explain every single detail, I kept researching and testing.  I kept digging, and I will probably continue to do so, but the most recent event, where I used myself as a guinea pig again, is what really confirmed and entrenched my faith in this technology.  I have been travelling quite a lot, and about a month ago I returned home to Dubai from South Africa after a 10-week business trip.  I was unpacking and moving things when I felt a slight tweak in my back, and it seemed to get worse.  I am the type of person who leaves things be (I know, don’t judge me) and they tend to sort themselves out.  I didn’t even think about running a scan on my spine to be honest.  I just carried on, as I always do.  My back niggled me every now and then, but it goes away.  This time that wasn’t the case.  Sitting at my desk was uncomfortable, lying down was uncomfortable, everything was uncomfortable.  What really broke my tolerance was the fact that I couldn’t sleep.  After the 5th night without proper rest, I decided it was time to go to the Chiropractor.  I was also very much aware of the fact that spinal alignment is very important when it comes to energy flow within the body, never mind cell rejuvenation and communication within the nervous system etc.  I got an appointment, and off I went.  The chiropractor sent me for a few x-rays, and low and behold – my spine was not happy.  I had functional Scoliosis.  As scary as this sounds, it’s not that bad, and really common, especially in woman.  It wasn’t structural, which means, with proper physio and all that goes with it, it could be corrected to the point where I was symptom and pain free.  After that initial diagnosis and help, I decided to run an expert scan on the Quantec.  This type of scan is a little different to the one that was done previously in the sense that I knew what was wrong and that we could pinpoint it.  These scans are great for people with chronic conditions, who already have a diagnosis because it will dig in properly and find the root cause of what might be causing the issue and how to resolve it.

The results of this Expert scan were exceptionally accurate.  I was dealing with other physical symptoms, which I didn’t realise were related to my spine.  Mind blown…again.  I started the Quantec treatment and let it run, all while continuing the physical part of the healing process. This meant 3 sessions of Physical therapy and spinal adjustments per week for the first 4 weeks, 2 sessions a week for the next 6 weeks, and then 1 session a week for the following 12 weeks.  I would also be adding certain exercises to my daily routine to strengthen muscles surrounding my spine and muscles that were weakened by years of compensation for the curvature.  This all happened very recently and I am now at the end of week 3 of the physical treatment process.  I have had a total of 9 sessions of physical therapy and adjustments, and the Quantec has been running its magic for 20 days.  My doctor knows my line of work, and he understands that my perspective on all of this is slightly different to the norm.  When I went to see him at the beginning of week 3, so for my 7th session, he commented that I was doing well, and that my body was responding really well to the treatment.  Because I know how this sounds, I very sheepishly asked him whether my healing process was ahead of the curve (excuse the pun) if compared with other patients who had the same type of curvature for the duration of the treatment, thus far.  I was sheepish, not because of the work that I am doing in the Quatum realm, but because the question probably made it sound like I am being super competitive – which I am.  LOL. 

His response was a Hell yes!  I was so happy to hear that.  He explained to me that he would only expect to see this type of improvement after about week 8 or 9, and I was at the end of week 2.  I was already almost symptom and pain free.  The gears in my head went into overdrive – of course.  I explained to him why I was asking, and what I have been doing.  Thankfully, this man has an open mind and understands the theory behind it.  I know that the Quantec is working to aid me in getting this spine back to where it needs to be and to keep it there, and even though I will continue physical therapy, I know that the healing process is progressing at a much faster pace because of the additional support I am getting in the Quantum field.  Other symptoms that I mentioned have also improved tremendously.  I am eternally grateful, because the back pain I was experiencing was influencing my everyday life.  Nobody wants that.  This is one of many cases, but it’s the only one that I am able and willing to share on this platform – client confidentiality is EVERYTHING!  I am happy to share, because it is my own story, and I can really attest to the fact that it works. 

Apart from the fact that the Quantec Pro works on humans, it’s also important to note that you can scan various other things, because it’s all energy.  You can work with animals, agriculture, buildings, businesses etc.  It even works to help you with manifesting your dreams.  As I am sure you know, my belief in the esoteric is strong, and that plays a part in all of this too, however, the fact that I am able to explain it in a scientific manner really helps me to wrap my mind around the concept.  If you are interested in finding out more about this amazing technology, you are welcome to get in touch with me via the “Let’s talk” page on this site.  We also have a “The Quantec” tab under services which will aid in answering some of your questions.  I am sure I will write another article on how my back has improved later on, once I have progressed in my treatment process and cycle, so keep an eye out for that.  For the moment I am super excited about the process and to see what comes next – plus I am healing faster than other patients.  😉  I guess that means my ego is alive and well – don’t tell anyone. LOL.

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