
In sync with Spring.

by in Energy, Other March 7, 2021

March brings one of the most exciting times of the year, the spring equinox where we shift from a stagnant winter into the warmer months, longer days and a time for renewal. They say that the spring equinox is the astrological new year. It also offers a potent opportunity to make positive shifts in your life that are supported energetically by the universe. Spring brings forth this abundance of energy, removing stagnation from winter and thus makes it the perfect time for cleansing, decluttering and aligning.

How and where to harness this energy taking a holistic approach? Let’s begin with supporting your body. An easy way to detox naturally is by introducing ginger into your diet. Ginger is a favorite Ayurvedic spice that has been used for centuries to remove the stagnant energy accumulated during the cooler winter months. It’s warming and stimulating, helping you balance your energy and shift into spring. Try an Asian inspired dish like a ginger infused soup or steeping ginger in hot water with honey for immune and mood boosting benefits. Steep a few slices of thinly sliced ginger in water, add a dash of honey and sip a couple times or even throughout your day, you’ll be amazed at the shift in your body and mind. Spruce up your menu by cooking with digestive spices like turmeric or cumin which also support circulation. You only need a pinch of either to experience the cleansing benefits for your system.

If you’ve ever thought about a cleanse, but you’re not a fan of restrictive, extreme methods (who is?), now would be the time to do a gentler version. One easy option is trying out raw until four to give your body a much-needed break from the taxing effects of digestion. Raw until four sees you eating only raw, fiber rich smoothies and salads for breakfast and lunch, and then a regular whole food dinner. It helps you fortify your energy with raw vegetables, sprouts and greens packed with antioxidants which are also a way to get more water into our diet. Or if you’re feeling super motivated, try only a smoothie or two during the day before dinner, which would be a soup you vibe with or a big, colorful salad. Bringing more raw foods into your diet after the comfort foods of winter will really turbo charge your body’s ability to shed the winter slump.

Spring may be a good time to eliminate dairy which is proven to be mucus forming and can lead to sinus congestion and generally an acidic body. We all know that an alkaline body is the ideal way to thrive and an acidic environment encourages disease and inflammation. If this sounds overwhelming, try starting your day with hot water and lemon to support the liver tissue. The liver is your body’s main elimination organ and is busy processing almost everything you ingest while often being under siege from toxins, pollutants and medications that we consume. After just a few short days, you will progressively have more energy to go after your goals and dreams and generally create more space in your life for the things you love.

Spring calls for more outdoors endeavors. It’s certainly inviting to take a walk-in nature when the days start to lengthen and the air isn’t too hot and humid as it can be in the midst of the summer. Invite a friend or your partner to reap the benefits together and connect away from the screens of our devices. Moving the body can help you feel really harmonious and connected to the energy of spring. You could try taking an outdoors yoga class to really harness the emerging energies of the season. Even just being outside is incredibly healing and renewing. Take your lunch break in the park, really be intentional and observe the synergies we share with nature. Just getting five to ten minutes of sunlight on your limbs daily is enough to get your Vitamin D dose topped up. When we connect with nature we connect with the universe and our true selves.

Delve into some spring friendly personal care to support your detoxification. Try tongue scraping as soon as you wake up. In the morning, first thing, when you go into the bathroom before you wash your teeth, take a few moments to scrape your tongue clean. Mucus and toxins clog your digestive canal as they build up overnight. In the morning scrap off that white coating instead of swallowing it and bringing bacteria back into the body. There are many stainless-steel tongue scrapers available online for really affordable prices. Incorporate dry brushing in your shower routine. It adds just a few minutes to your bathroom time but the benefits for your skin, lymphatic system and energy are immense. Spend time breathing deeply. Did you know that our lungs are a detoxifying organ and deep breathing can help detoxify and energize our body? Practice something as simple as placing your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your abdomen to really make sure you’re breathing deep down into the bottom of the diaphragm which activates the vagus nerve at the same time. Taking small steps to boost your health and wellness during the spring season is a softer and more sustainable approach which is where the real benefits are to be had.

If you’re reading this, you already understand that emotional wellbeing is as important as physical wellbeing to our health. Beyond the physical, our minds also need to declutter. Decision making paralysis, procrastination and low productivity are all symptoms of being bombarded with stimulating messages every waking hour of our day. Detox your life of alerts, notifications and anything that is coming into your device and contributing to that mind clutter. Go on social media only when you choose to, not when your space is invaded and notifications pull you out of your task and distract you. Switching off non-essential notifications will create an environment for a clear mind. It’s impossible to feel focused unless you do one thing at a time. You’ll find how training your attention and limiting distractions will actually excel your productivity and give you more focused energy. Supporting that, meditation and journaling will help you to start the day with a clear mind and end the day with a clear mind. Go beyond the thoughts and neurological junk to breathe into the body and feel our connection with the universe. Just spending ten minutes processing feelings or journaling is an amazing way to take care of your emotional health. Ask yourself, what do you need today? Commit to spending time in meditation, journaling or deep breathing to make sure you are checking in with yourself on a regular basis. The spring equinox is also an amazing time too put open to paper and jot down your goals for the year ahead. Your goals may have even shifted already since January, and now is the perfect time to check in and reassess.

Remember that now is the time that new life bursts forth, the light shifts into our lives to create longer days and more opportunities for growth and adventure. Whatever your goals are for the year ahead, feel supported by the seasonal and energetic shift spring affords us since the dawn of time. Just knowing mother nature has your back will help you gather enough steam to make long term transformations in your health and vitality. Whatever you were putting off during the winter, now is the time for action and to flourish.

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