
Boost Sleep, Boost Energy

by in Energy, Energy Nutrition, Mental Health and Well-being, Sleep, Tips and Tricks January 27, 2021

A lifestyle that promotes health and healing includes a sound sleep routine as a non-negotiable. Sleep has a huge effect on how we feel and the quality of our lives. Our emotional well-being is tied with our spiritual growth since everything in our sphere works synergistically. Conversely, if we aren’t living our truth, or we aren’t being authentic to ourselves and what makes us happy, it’s hard to get a good night of sleep. That includes letting go of any dark energy, feelings of guilt and shame, and judging ourselves and others.


Living your truth and being tuned in to a high vibration means being comfortable with ourselves. Meditation, taking care of mental health and processing emotions are the foundation of restful nights and holistic health in general. If you’re struggling to get some shut eye, make time for stillness in your day so you don’t pay the price come evening. There are tonnes of apps that can help you get started, not to mention free Youtube videos and podcasts. There are guided meditations targeted at beginners through to niche topics like managing stress from in-laws, preparing for birth and dealing with perfectionism. If you’re looking for a tech free way to unwind, just taking a moment in your day to connect with nature and breathe fresh air can reset your sense of wellbeing. On the topic of getting outdoors, it’s important to get exposure to sunlight before noon. Research shows that early morning sunlight helps us balance our natural circadian rhythms and helps us reset our sleep cycles. Taking a morning stroll or forgoing the curtains to let the sunlight in lets nature’s arm clock synchronize your internal rhythms.


Just like light exposure, regular meal times make for a balanced circadian rhythm. Combined with a healthy diet and you’re on the fast track to high sleep quality. As mentioned, everything is interconnected. Sleep, diet and exercise are all integrated and affects our energy and our level of alertness. It’s obvious, but worth a mention that avoiding caffeine towards the evening is a must. You’ll be counting minutes instead of sheep if you insist on indulging in a late afternoon espresso to get you over the 3pm slump. If you just love your warm bevies, try warm hemp milk, or almond milk with a dash of cinnamon, turmeric or ginger in the evening. Non-dairy milks like hemp are high in tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin which helps to promote sleep. This essential amino acid not only helps the body to produce and keep hormones in check, but it also acts as a natural mood regulator and is one of the best natural aids for sleep. Tryptophan is known for its all-round calming, anxiety-reducing effects. Beyond delightful dozing, 5HTP, a by-product of tryptophan, can boost the production of serotonin, our feel-good hormone, which elevates feelings of well-being and safety. If you’re not a fan of non-dairy milks, or even warming elixirs, fear not. Tryptophan is abundant in whole grains like quinoa and brown rice, and tasty nuts and seeds. In fact, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, and cashews have over 50 milligrams in just one-quarter cup, and pumpkin seeds contain a whopping 110 milligrams in the same serving. Legumes like lentils, black beans, and split peas are also rich in the amino acid as well, with an average of 180 milligrams per cup.


Since we’re getting nerdy with bio hacking, calcium is another nutrient that plays a role in your sleep cycle. Research has revealed that calcium actually assists brain cells in using tryptophan to produce melatonin, which is the body’s own natural sleep aid. Boost your calcium intake with broccoli rabe, kelp, sesame seeds, tahini, black-eyed peas, sweet potatoes, almonds and oranges. Just half a banana has 37 milligrams of magnesium. Green veggies are also a great source of magnesium so there’s no excuse to ditch the healthy diet if you value a restful night. For dinner, load up on whole unrefined carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes are high in potassium which helps to relax muscles. The worst foods for sleep include indulging in a heavy meal for dinner that’s high in fat and takes a lot of energy to digest. We also want to avoid spicy foods as they tend to rev us up and stimulate us at a time we need to wind down and decompress from the day. If you can’t avoid a late dinner meal, try to make it plant based as animal protein is taxing on the digestive system. Soup or cooked vegetables are easy to digest especially if you will be eating late.


An hour before bed, sign off from Netflix, Instagram and the like, and turn off your electronic devices. A Netflix binge will leave you puffy eyed in the morning and will impact your rejuvenation potential during those critical hours of rest. If that sounds impossible, look into getting some blue light blocking glasses. Blue light is on the end of the light spectrum that’s going to stimulate us more and won’t help us get into the deep stages of restorative sleep we need. Wear them after sundown to intensely block out any blue light. Switch your phone to blue light filter or night mode which gives out red, warmer eye-friendly tones. Avoid intense exercise in the evening and try to make time in the morning or early afternoon.


Aromatherapy is amazing close to bedtime. Think roman chamomile and lavender as top picks for night time soothing. Research boasts the many benefits of essential oils, from reducing anxiety to helping to keep hormones in balance. As animals, we know that smell is powerful. For example, lavender oil has been shown to have real benefits in regards to relaxation. Take a warm shower and sprinkle a few drops of essential oil in the tub. Make a small but rewarding investment in an essential oil diffuser. You can also simply add a few drops of an essential oil onto a cotton pad and tuck it into your pillowcase to smell through the night. Your lungs contain a massive number of blood vessels, which can soak up these oils as you inhale them and then carry them through the bloodstream and throughout the body. Be selective and choose high-quality essential oils, to make sure you get the most of their benefits. Look for therapeutic grade oils that are certified organic.


Setting the scene at bedtime and keeping your body at a regulated temperature throughout the whole night will help with a deeper sleep and staying asleep throughout the night. Keeping a cooler temperature either with AC, having a fan circulating the air or by opening the windows is important to ensure that you rest well and wake up feeling refreshed. Keeping total darkness in the bedroom is super underrated. Tiny blinking LED lights from our many devices are proven to disrupt sleep and stimulate us. Unplug anything you aren’t using and remove chargers from the bedroom. If you sleep in a major city, near street lights or billboards, invest in black out curtains. Assess if you need an air filter in the room that also controls the humidity levels. Do you often wake up with a dry throat or blocked nose? Dry skin? Slave to the AC or indoor heating? Probably a good idea to get a humidifier.


Follow these simple lifestyle tips to set yourself up for good sleep hygiene and a solid routine before bedtime. You’ll feel the difference after the first night, promise! Who doesn’t love instant gratification? Once you experience the benefits of delicious sleep and vibrant days, it won’t be hard to commit to a lifestyle that supports your health and energy.

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